
Sunday, July 31, 2011

OD&D and AD&D Fonts

I'm not sure how many of you will find this useful, but I did a search on the old D&D fonts, which led me to a thread on enworld with a link to a now defunct geocities page. Thankfully with the help of the way back machine, I was able to view an archived version of the page from 2009, which lists most of the fonts TSR used for OD&D and AD&D and most of their products associated with the brand. I used screengrab to snap up a pic of it, which you can find below. Some of this may be common knowledge, but there's a lot of other useful info there as well, and many variations of these fonts can be found on the web for free (i.e. Quentin Caps on

**edit** Thanks to Ohio Metal Militia, this page now has a new home.

Here's the snapshot.


  1. The upload's nearly unreadable. I suspect that blogger put some nice image-resizing magic on it.

  2. I am strong in Google-fu. The page has a new host:

  3. Roger, did you click the image to open it? Maybe it's a screen resolution thing. When I open it, it's clear to me. Oh and nice work, Ohio!

  4. Yeah. Downloaded it too. Opened it up in GIMP and it was still fuzzy. :(

    I did, however, find the 4e font list from EN World:

    Text font: Monotype Mentor
    Table font: Monotype Mentor Sans
    (Yes, the price is for real.)

    Minor heading font: DNDLolthSC based on Scriptorium Ravenna

    Major heading font: DNDVecnaSC based on "Textura"
    (Haven't located this; Scott Rouse said the fonts are Mentor, Ravenna, and Textura)

  5. Ugh. Now your header is all fuzzy too. Maybe it's my ISP here in Kuwait. I'll bet you it is. Can anyone else take a look and see if the header appears overly compressed to them?
